The Big Bad World

Stepping out from a college environment and into the world is the next chapter in life.

After finishing my graphic design degree this year and no real desire to continue into the honors I’ve found that my need to continue designing still burns bright but the opportunities to do so is harder without the college incentive or set up briefs,

The thought sometimes crosses my mind in this limbo stage that I should of maybe stayed in college to have design work available and help my social media presence but I feel as long as I keep on it, I can do this in my own time and design what I want. I still want to challenge myself with tutorials and new skills and will try to give myself briefs that I can work with and advertise my freelance work more often.

How long can someone email and look for work without losing motivation after regular unsuccessful applications? Time will tell with me. And part of me tells me it’s my own fault as there is a limit to where I will work at this stage in life, but I enjoy where I live although sometimes think in the future somewhere in Europe would be nice.

I keep myself sane with personal designs and illustrations but I feel that when I try to hard or force myself to sit down at the computer nothing comes to me. I’m learning that I cant make this my one focus as it is clouding my process and am facing more design blocks and that it’s ok to do something else one day to give yourself a break and come back with a fresh mind and new ideas.

I am blessed to have a current non design job which I have kept through out college which I could fall back on until I find a job within the design industry but I am determined not to sink back into the usual routine and find myself a year later still doing the same thing.

So here I am writing a blog for not many people to look at or even read keeping myself in a state of design until my journey progresses, one positive that I am eager to begin is my placement with Made Brave as a designer which I’m looking forward to and will blog my progress during the week.

The big bad world is big and bad, college doesn’t really prepare you for the knock backs or time spent searching for jobs but I will always design and create no matter where my journey takes me.

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